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Reputation: 0
- Posts: 10
- Joined: 17-February 13
Posted Today, 06:49 AM
i put the vlc , like the this photo :
when i run the application , it's saying error
what is problem ??
help please ?
This post has been edited by modi123_1: Today, 06:55 AM
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Replies To: problem with vlc tools ?
Reputation: 185
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- Joined: 12-September 12
Re: problem with vlc tools ?
Posted Today, 09:29 AM
Bhram, on 14 March 2013 - 07:49 AM, said:
when i run the application , it's saying error
what is problem ??
You're getting an error that says that a DLL or control is not registered. When a DLL is called, it must be either in the startup directory, or if it isn't there, it must be registered, which means that it must have an entry in the Registry. A DLL can be registered with a program called "regsvr32.exe", which is run from the command line, or from you code. If you are planning to distribute your program, you must take this into account, by supplying the DLL (or a link to the DLL), and tell the user how to register it, or register it from your code.
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Source: http://www.dreamincode.net/forums/topic/315410-problem-with-vlc-tools/
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